Saturday, September 14, 2019

Business Plan Essay

The executive summary will end with a summary statement, a â€Å"last kick at the can† sentence or two designed to persuade the readers of your business plan that your business is a winner. While the business plan’s executive summary is the first thing the readers of your business plan see, it should be the last part of the business plan you write. The purpose of the executive summary of the business plan is to provide your readers with an overview of the business plan. Think of it as an introduction to your business. Therefore, your business plan’s executive summary will include summaries of: †¢ a description of your company, including your products and/or services †¢ your mission statement †¢ your business’s management †¢ the market and your customer †¢ marketing and sales †¢ your competition †¢ your business’s operations †¢ financial projections and plans The executive summary will end with a summary statement, a â€Å"last kick at the can† sentence or two designed to persuade the readers of your business plan that your business is a winner. How to write an Executive Summary To write the executive summary of the business plan, start by following the list above and writing one to three sentences about each topic. (No more!) If you have trouble crafting these summary sentences from scratch, review your business plan to get you going. In fact, one approach to writing the executive summary of the business plan is to take a summary sentence or two from each of the business plan sections you’ve already written. (If you compare the list above to the sections outlined in the Business Plan Outline, you’ll see that this could work very well.) Then finish your business plan’s executive summary with a clinching closing sentence or two that answers the reader’s question â€Å"Why is this a winning business?† For example, a business plan’s executive summary for a pet-sitting business might conclude: â€Å"The loving on-site professional care that Pet Grandma will provide is sure to appeal to both cat and dog owners throughout the West Vancouver area.† (You may find it useful to read the entire Pet Grandma executive summary example before you write your own.) Tips for Writing the Business Plan’s Executive Summary †¢ Focus on providing a summary. The business plan itself will provide the details and whether bank managers or investors, the readers of your business plan don’t want to have their time wasted. †¢ Keep your language strong and positive. Don’t weaken the executive summary of your business plan with weak language. Instead of writing, â€Å"Dogstar Industries might be in an excellent position to win government contracts†, write â€Å"Dogstar Industries will be in an excellent position†¦Ã¢â‚¬  †¢ The executive summary should be no more than two pages long. Resist the tempation to pad your business plan’s executive summary with details (or pleas). The job of the executive summary is to present the facts and entice your reader to read the rest of the business plan, not tell him everything. †¢ Polish your executive summary. Read it aloud. Does it flow or does it sound choppy? Is it clear and succinct? Once it sounds good to you, have someone else who knows nothing about your business read it and make suggestions for improvement. †¢ Tailor the executive summary of your business plan to your audience. If the purpose of your business plan is to entice investors, for instance, your executive summary should focus on the opportunity your business provides investors and why the opportunity is special. †¢ Put yourself in your readers’ place†¦ and read your executive summary again. Does this executive summary generate interest or excitement in the reader? If not, why? Remember, the executive summary of the business plan will be the first thing the readers of the business plan read. If your business plan’s executive summary is poorly written, it will also be the last, as they set the rest of your business plan aside unread! †¢ a description of your company, including your products and/or services Bordeaux Wine Trading is a Wine trading company based in Bordeaux, France with a wide network of Bordeaux Wine distribution and export all over the world. Bordeaux Wine is a premium brand with unique pleasing taste. †¢ your mission statement The purpose of our company is to create awareness and increase demand, establishing a successful business for the export and distribution of Bordeaux French wine. †¢ your business’s management Bordeaux Wine Trading is planning to export and distribute Bordeaux Wine in Brazil. Brazil is one of the emerging economies of the world with great opportunities of business development. †¢ the market and your customer In Brazil, Bordeaux Wine Trading’s main focus is upper and aspiring middle class of Sao Paulo and Rio De Jinero. †¢ marketing and sales Bordeaux Wine Trading is looking to have some local licensed distributor for the distribution purpose. †¢ your competition †¢ your business’s operations †¢ financial projections and plans Mission Statement; The purpose of our organization is to create awareness and increase demand, establishing a successful business for the export and distribution of Bordeaux French wine into Brazil. Corporate position; A well established French organisation that successfully distributes and trades Bordeaux wine globally. Objective in Brazil; We expect to invest over a three year period, building sales of over 2 million USD per year by our third year of operation, maintaining an average of 20-25% Gross margin. This is a one page synopsis of your plan, including a description of product, target market and positioning of product within the target market. Note the specific competitive advantage(s) of your product and the value it provides to the customer. Include your marketing objectives for the first year and the overall size of the marketing budget you are requesting. ⠝â€" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We are interested in export and distribution of Bordeaux Wine in Brazil. Brazil is one of the emerging economies of the world with great opportunities of business development. We have found attractive market of Wine users in Brazil. Our target market will be upper and aspiring middle class of Sao Paulo and Rio De Jeniro. Brazil is currently 34m case market, with a per head consumption of 2 liters. Brazilian-produced wine – most of it red – tends to have sweeter profile than in other producing nations. In competition with it, we have finest wine from Bordeaux. In Brazil, there is also wine from other wine producing countries like Italy, Chile, Argentina and Portugal. But our competitive advantage is that the Brazilian people have awareness about Bordeaux Wine but not available in market in a frequent manner. In Rio 47% and in Sao Paulo 26% of awareness which is quite appealing for market entry. Brazil’s 80% wine market is captured by Red wine and also White wine market got the growth of 9% between 2003 to 2007 which is still growing. Initially, we will make some wine tasting events with the help of local distributor during festivals especially in Rio Carnival. We will participate in world largest Food and Beverages exhibition, SIAL in 2012, Sao Paulo. We will publish the advertisement in major newspapers and magazines.

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