Monday, November 11, 2019

Toys for Tots

Toys For Tots Take a seat, and think back to the very first Christmas morning you recall. How much it meant to receive that special toy you’ve been waiting for all year. Every child deserves to have that same tingly feeling of joy and excitement, but not every kid gets to. The Toys for Tots Foundation is an organization that aims to fix that, but they cannot do it alone. They can always use all the support they can. It is run by the United States Marine Core and they work to be the change.I support this noble mission by contributing toys to my community’s campaign. In the fall of 1947, with a hand crafted Raggedy Ann doll, the wife of Marine Reserve Major Bill Hendricks made this doll and asked her husband if he would â€Å"deliver it to an organization that would put it in the hands of a needy child on Christmas Day†. ( ) Unfortunately, Mr. Hendricks could find no such agency to provide this service. To fill that void, Major Hendricks’ wife told him he sh ould start one and indeed he did.That same year, Major Bill Hendricks, USCR, and a group of Marine Reservists collected and distributed 5,000 toys to needy children. The scheme was so successful that it was expanded into a nationwide campaign after the Marine Corps adopted Toys For Tots in 1948. They have conducted successful campaigns nationwide each year since then. The hallmark that remains the initial objective of the program today is to â€Å"bring the joy of Christmas to America’s needy children. This renowned charity foundation is nationwide and their goal is to send â€Å"a message of hope to less fortunate children that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens. †( ) All their main donations are toddler oriented unwrapped toys. They accept a wide variety of items, and they receive many donations every year. They are open year round but have strict constraints on their deadlines for all contributions. This is to ensure ample time to round up all the donations across the nation and distribute them.The deadline is always early December to make sure all the less fortunate kids get a toy to unwrap for Christmas. Their mission is to â€Å"play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to reunite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign and to contribute to better communities in the future. † (www. ToysForTots. rg) With multiple funding and aiding organizations, Toys for Tots is able to get its job done every single year. Organizations like the Department of Health and Human Services aid the foundation in raising awareness (Toys). With allies such as these; the foundation has a far reach to accomplish its goal of good will. Fundraising groups like SaveWealth aid the foundation by raising money so the foundation has more resources to accomplish its tasks. With more resources, more kids have a smile on their face for the holidays.It’s not only big companies that are involved though; the little guy makes a huge difference as well. I contribute to this noble organization by simply donating as many toys as I possibly can to my communities local Toys For Tots campaign. There are many other ways to support them as well though. You could also donate your time to assist your local campaign. If you’re a company/business owner, allow the Marines to place a toy collection box there. All other donations made to Toys For Toys are tax deductible and you can send them via mail, on-line, or CFC.Although you may not be able to show your support by donating time, space, or financially; demonstrating how to be a model citizen and have integrity, honesty, a positive attitude will give children a role model to look up to. Be a passive mentor . You’ll be helping the children and your community. Everyone has a choice of one of two paths to the future. You can either leave the responsibility up to someone else in hopes that they do it, or you can pitch in to support an organization that’s out to provide the proper steering and improve the development for Americas needy children.I challenge you to be a participator, not a spectator. Toys For Tots is Americas premier Community Action program. The Marines are definitely the unchallenged leaders in looking after all the needy children at Christmas for over half a century now, although, they could not have done it alone. Everyone’s support is needed and appreciated. Toys For Tots not only helps children, but also has a positive impact on communities. Most people want to make a difference. So help them â€Å"be the change. †

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